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Second Web Spam Summit
Link: Technorati Weblog: Announcing Second Web Spam Summit.
Technorati is organizing the second Web Spam Summit taking place next week at Google's headquarters in Mountain View. Technical leaders from companies and projects involved in publishing and indexing content on the web will come together for a day-long summit to exchange best practices and cultivate new ways of addressing spam as a community.
The summit will focus on web spam and include product development updates since the first web spam squashing summit in February. Web spam includes comment spam, link spam, TrackBack spam, tag spam, and fake weblogs.
Key industry players such as Ask Jeeves, Feedster, Google, Microsoft, Six Apart, Tucows, WordPress, and Yahoo! have all confirmed their attendance. Technical members of products involved in the fight against web spam are invited to attend the Web Spam Summit. If you or another member of your team would like to attend please send a prompt reply to [email protected] with some introductory information about you and your product including a paragraph about each of the following topics.
* Problem Statement: describe a form of web spam currently facing your product.
* Current Solutions: describe a current solution you have implemented and how it works.
* In Development: describe a solution you are working on and why it will be better.
The summit will not be broadcast. This privacy allows the best possible technical members directly involved in the fight against web spam to attend the summit with full candor
Posted by Andrew | Permalink
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