DallasNews.com has an article that will probably be IGNORED completely by the majority of churches. Those influenced by a postmodern mindset should take it seriously, and have possibly already developed a holistic understanding of the body-spirit connection, and a theology of the body to match. But for many of the churches in the old paradigm of segmentation and dualism, (of sin = sex/drugs/rockandroll + nothing else) the article is worth a read and some serious consideration. Its called Are Churches Too Skittish to Address Gluttony? Here are a few "meaty" quotes from the article:
- With a fork in one hand and a Bible in the other, some choose to praise God and pass the pastries simultaneously. They give their hearts to Jesus and their bellies to Krispy Kreme while catching worship on the cafe's big screen.
- Through the ages, these vices came to be known as the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust.
- Buddhists call it a lack of mindfulness. Early Christians called it gluttony – the most likely of the Seven Deadly Sins to cause heart disease. For centuries, the world's religions identified undisciplined eating as a spiritual problem.
- But many pulpits are silent on the issues, even though 63 percent of the population is overweight. For millions of believers, overeating is not a sin, but the American way of life.
- "Pastors don't preach on this because they're not living it," said Lisa Young, who developed the Walking with Weights exercise program and Body for God Cookbook sold at Fellowship Church in Grapevine, where her husband, Ed, is pastor.
- "God wants us to go overboard," said Dr. Patella, who teaches at St. John's School of Theology. "It's a day to rejoice in creation, to realize that it's a gift from God. If we can't be generous with ourselves, we can't be generous with others."
- "Gluttony," Jim Dawkins said as he sat in the Prestonwood cafe. "That's not a word used in the Bible."
- They don't just overeat; they buy oversized cars and houses, confusing the goods in life for the good life."That extra jacket in your closet doesn't belong to you, but to the poor," said Father Martin, a Jesuit priest. "We've lost that connection."
- Muslims, Jews and Buddhists are known for food restrictions. So, too, are Seventh-day Adventists, Latter-day Saints and Catholics. Many world religions tout the spiritual benefits of fasting.
- Some congregations are promoting diet plans. . . . "We're also helping people make better food choices," Ms. Young said. The church's cafe is being transformed to "serving foods that honor God."
(Full article needs a subscription)
Article? What article?