we did it!!!!!!!!! How much fun was that?
This picture was the final scene- us looking stunned as habbohotel suddenly shut down (crashed????) and we were frozen in time
Was that a SUDDEN STOP to Suddenly Seminary or what???? Unfortunately, at 9pm we were hoping to send off Brad - maybe we could do it another time?
what happened at the end? Habbohotel, with 8500 people in it, somehow crashed. Oh well! At least it did it at 9pm.
Thanks everyone for coming and making it a great experience. here are some more photos . . .
The 24-7 prayer room was great. Thanks to whoever it was that donated the bench and plant. Jonah from Spain hosted it first and then Carlos from Mexcio.
The Bible Shower in the Sapphire Office was good. People read from the Bible. Thanks to Dutchtraveller for creating and hosting this room from Netherlands. Thanks to his Alpha group who let him leave early.
The "Enter the StoryBoard" experience was also great. Thanks to Maggie Diep for your room and for leading this. Thats my 11 year old daughter in the middle of the room. She is on dishes for a week after dancing in the room.
Below are the instructions- i will leave them here for reasons of posterity. Speaking of posterity (and i am not talking about my wife's backside), if you were there tonight, leave your name below and we will have a record of your time with us.
thanks to my son samuel (13) who ran multiple browers and oversaw (bouncer) a few rooms as skip flash and junkemailer. and to elizabeth (11) who hosted some of the rooms.
Tonight we will have Suddenly Seminary from 6pm - 9pm GMT (my time in london). Details following . . . .
Be around for 9pm - a commissioning service for futuristguy at suddenly seminary - We will send him off in his british telephone to bless the cyberworld.
PASSWORD - if you need it is "tree"
Quite possibly, we will not use it tonight, since there are many experiences in many rooms.
Here is the outline;
Go to habbohotel.co.uk
check in and dress yourself.
on the navigator that pops up, chose "Guest Room" and type "Suddenly Seminary" in the search engine. When it appears, hit "Go'
Didnt work? Try typing "tallskinnykiwi" in the search engine and then choose "suddenly seminary"
Here is the learning pilgrimage trail that will happen tonight. You may want to print this off.
1. come straight to Suddenly Seminary. This is the reception room. Its going to be a crazy hectic room and we cant do much about that. Except shuffle you off to quieter rooms where the actual teaching will go on. You will find 4 teleporters in suddenly seminary
- a blue portapot- use it to escape the chaos and go to the boaz lounge
- another portapot - use it to go to Jacobs Well, for the "Enter the StoryBoard" experience
- a narnia wardrobe on the left leading to the Sapphire lounge - There are 3 spaces in here to explore.
- another narnia wardrobe on the right - you can access "the off on room" from here or from the
- a red british public telephone. dont go in it yet. we want to commission and send Brad Sargent (futuristguy) as a cybercounselor into his new unfurnished space. Once we have prayed for him and sent him (around 9pm), you can follow him into his room and help furnish it for him. (Buy some credits before you get there)
so here is the learning trail:
1. Suddenly Seminary - reception, orientation, finding your feet. I will be there for some of the time under the name "TallSkinnyKiwi". SkipFlash2 will also be there to help you. Introduce yourself, if you can. who you are and where you are from. It will probably be too crazy in here for deep discussion. When you are ready, go to the portapot that takes you to boaz lounge.
2. Boaz lounge - SkipFlash will be waiting for you in this room. Hang out here, escape the crowd, make a team of 4-5 people and introduce yourselves to each other. If you like, appoint a leader. Make sure everyone learns how to talk- you will probably need to switch to "shout" mode in every room you enter. The biggest problem will be not hearing each other (words come out jumbled) - so you need to go to "shout"
Now find the narnia wardrobe that leads to 24-7 prayer room.
3. 24-7 Prayer Lounge. jonahb is there. he will be your host. He is one of the International Leaders of 24-7 prayer ministry and he lives in Spain. This is a room to be with God, write a prayer on the stickies, light a candle, dance around, etc. When you or your team is ready, take the narnia wardrobe back to boaz lounge.
4. Bible Shower. From Boaz lounge, take the narnia wardrobe to sapphire lounge, and from there go to sapphire chill, and then the portapot to sapphire office. Dutch Traveller will be there. He is a church planting trainer from Netherlands. This is a room for bible reading. Stand in line and read out your favourite verses.
Whats popular tonight? Ephesians 4:20 - 5:1. Read them over and over in a loop if you like.
When you are ready, take the other narnia wardrobe in the room to the off on room.
5. the off on room. Enter and read the blue note for directions. You should have your bible with you for this one. when you have put off something, and put on something, take the other narnia wardrobe back to Suddenly Seminary.
6. By this time, i will probably be overwhelmed with young satanists and militants who will be verbally bashing me. So, say a prayer for me, and the other brave souls who are there, and just leave us to it.
7. From Boaz lounge, take the British phone booth teleporter ]
to Jacobs Well, to an experience called "entering the storyboard". If you cant find it, go out into the hotel view and type in "jacobs well" in the search engine. kilmeny will be there to talk to you, ask you questions,and help you write something. She is a published author, loves God, and lives in London. From Jacobs Well, you can also access "Turtle Cave" where you are welcome to hang out.
Congrats. You have completed our first trail of learning and experiencing God. time to chill out. There are other rooms to enter and chill out:
The Cloister (budapeststeve)
Breathe (Clinoniousss)
What to do before it starts?
get your bible
check in and get dressed
learn how to walk and talk,
learn how to use the navigator to go places
learn how to add friends, and message them
ask me to be your friend- then i will be more accessible
buy some credits - then you can leave furniture, gifts (we would like to help out futuristguy tonight)
blue notes- they are administrative/guidlines for the rooms
yellow- blank - write on them and then turn them pink
pink - used notes awaiting response
green- we turn them green when we respond to you
6pm - 7pm - orientation, registration, learning to walk and talk.
7pm - 8pm - learning experiences
8pm - 9pm - chill out and chat
9pm - after seminary parties at various rooms.
A word about crowd control. The rooms will hold 25 people but we dont want to go about 10. 7 is better. We had an informal chat on sunday night, which for some unknown reason, grew to about 11 people. Then it hit the "popular" list and we had a massive stream of people coming in, like a swarm of bees. we then spent the rest of our time trying to keep people out. We have since added a security barrier which gives us some more control. but one of the things we will try to do is to keep the numbers in each room at 7 or below. You will thus be placed in small groups and guided through various rooms for most of your learning experience.
I f you see that one of the rooms is crowded, please go somewhere else for a while. hopefully password protecting the rooms will keep the numbers down.
More guidelines:
1. Please dont expect it to be like an old world seminary. No one is going to talk at you for an hour while you take notes. This is an interactive environment where words will play a minor role. There will be multiple rooms and you will need to create and do things,
2. You must be at least 11 years old to come. We will not accept anyone under 11. Sorry. Hate to discriminate because of age, but those are the rules. If you are much older, you are also welcome, but please remember this is an environment made for kids and many people in the room with you will be very young.
Some of you have already met SkipFlash, who is in charge of the Boaz lounge, and oversees security in the Suddenly Seminary reception. In real life, he is 13 years old. but he will still kick you out if you cause trouble
3. Please do not use big theological words or church-speak. Yes, some people in the room will have theological degrees, and other will have never gone to church. Many of the teens in the room have no idea what you are talking about and we will not have time to explain what "soteriology" means to a 12 year old who couldnt give a rip anyway. the challenge for you (older folk) is to maintain a deep level of conversation without resorting to a heavy vocabulary.
4. oh btw. ppl tlk like ths. its a diffnt way of spkg but it makes sense. dnt b expecting capitals. u will figure it out.
5. Someone asked about longevity. Answer is probably not. But lets give it a whirl.
6. what is "bobba"/
when it thinks its a swear word, it types bobba. lots of words come out as bobba
7. can i come in as two people?
yes - open up two seperate browsers - either mozilla, explorer, safari and go in and out between them. (not for the fainthearted)