Easter service this morning, held at the ancient Ring of Brodgar.
At 8:30am, the weather was sunny and fantastic. Highly unusual.
A small band led us in some hymns.
“People were gathering here at the time of Abraham” [intro comments]
The guy on the radio was hilarious. He commented, tongue-in-cheek, that the believers were celebrating Easter at the Ring of Brodgar, while the Druids were celebrating in the Cathedral. ha. ha. ha.
We heard the story of Jesus dying and rising from the dead.
We prayed around the ring. Our family picked a stone to pray on.
We prayed for the fire from the north to come down.
This was the first time believers have celebrated Easter at this site.
We should TOTALLY do it again next year - its a great idea.
After the service, people came down for coffee and bacon rolls.
Fiona Cowan hands out coffee. This event was her idea.
The seals were hanging out with the swans next to the Ring.
From Orkney Islands, we say to you . . . . “Christ has risen!”
and you say . . .