Its called the EvangeCube and its the cheesiest evangelistic tool in THE ENTIRE WORLD. Beyond cheesy. This is the storytelling tool that Ned Flanders may have inspired. And when its creator Tom Doyle passed a box of EvangeCubes around the room last month in Switzerland, I cringed, and kept on cringing. Then he made us go through the storytelling of the gospel by opening and closing this crazy box with the kitch drawings of a 1950's Jesus. I never stopped cringing.
Marc Van der Woude was there. Ever since he brought his EvangeCube home, he has been trying to hide it from his kids (unsuccessfully). I have the same problem. My kids discovered mine, took it out of the box, and have been playing with it ever since. They had to figure out the story by themselves because their Dad could not do it without throwing up. Luckily, EvangeCube has an online demonstration for children with reluctant parents.
The Skinny?
Well, the EvangeCube is the LAST thing I would show my pagan friends down at the local, but it is actually a big hit in the Middle East, where thousands of people have heard and understood the story of Jesus - AND THATS COOL, unlike the EvangeCube which is a cheesy tool that is aware of its cheesyness - even its creator called it “hokey”. And its probably hokey enough to be a collectable item one day when religious kitch fashion shows its funky head. Thats why, in a sick kind of way, I am glad that I have an EvangeCube.