- Dan Hughes of TheyBlinked blog created a wicked cool social networking software piece called SmartCommons.com. He released it at the beginning of the year. I havent had time to really kick it around yet - but it seems like it has huge potential. HUGE.
- Fuse Factory has released their DVD - These guys are the best and are usually the VJ team we pick for our large installations.
- iForgiveOsama.com - a web site on forgiveness by Dan Holcomb who attends Imago Dei, Portland, OR. I visited this church in 1999 - good people!
-Malcolm downunder at Dtour.net has a blogging aggregator for you - 18 blogs on one page. Thanks Malcolm!
- A conference on Worship, Art, Liturgy and Preaching in an Emerging Context held at Ashbury, KY
“Here's the scoop...we gather to explore worship art liturgy and preaching in an emerging context with roman catholic, orthodox, mainline protestant, anabaptist, evangelical and charismatic christians...ultra cool! what a privilege to share the unique treasure of our traditions (or non traditions) with each other and join in a cross-confessional conversation that is bound to be ongoing and generative.” Kelly
- SXSW Festival announced its 2005 Web Awards, and the best blog was Shauninman
Bummer to have missed the festival again. I am usually there in Austin TX every second year - we hold a roundtable/interactive worship installation alongside the festival - but i couldn't make it this year. I will try really hard to be there next year.
- BusinessTravellers.org is set up as “a campaign where business people could learn more about what is happening and have a place to sign up and get involved in trying to stop it.” Phil Lane