“What if we had a big house in the city where we could allow young artists space to work and display their art? What if we had a café there where people could find meaningful community and conversation? What if we could be recognized as people who really care? What if we threw parties for the homeless and gave presents to poor children? What if we could be a place of life?” Barbara
Barbara L. is a name that keeps popping up. She works with street kids in Lisbon and is the face of the newly-emerging, emerging church in Portugal. I mentioned her last week in Pasadena and was with their ministry in Portugal last year. Barbara's story is best told by RiverTribe Mike but Lisa Borden has just written The Matrix Grows - a little blog-posted history of the movement and how it is connecting globally. If you are sick of doctrinal arguments and fingerpointing, and want to just read about a real person loving people into the Kingdom, then here is a story for you. LINK [Thanks Marty]