Edinburgh - Live 8 Rally and the Long Walk To Justice
"Following the Live 8 concerts on July 2, tens of thousands of people will be travelling to Scotland with a sense of great responsibility as we walk the last mile to justice. By the eve of the G8 summit - Wednesday 6 July in Edinburgh – there will be thousands upon thousands of committed people in Scotland’s capital – this will be the world’s last opportunity to say to the G8 - ‘be bold, be historic, be magnificent. Tomorrow, you can actually take the steps to make poverty history. Are you for or are you against? It’s make your mind up time.” Link
I am considering coming to Edinburgh to be a part of this event. Anyone else thinking about it? Could we do this together? Under what or whose banner can we meet? We would need to secure campsite accommodation really quickly on this. Any churches out there in Edinburgh that could put up a large group of people coming to pray, love, and speak by their presence and podcasts?
Also - which bloggers will be gathering or participating in the Live 8 Concerts in 5 cities? Whose got the skinny?
If we organized something in Edinburgh, how many would come - email me - don't bombard me with comments.
Sounds like a pilgrimage to me. U2 are involved, of course.