Å lot of great festivals have already happened this summer. Gocha Unity Fest in Japan and FreakFest in Czech Republic, I think Contra Corriente just happened in Spain, and reports are coming in from Cornerstone in USA.
The Japanese festival intrigued me most.
From Mika (Japan):
Hi, this is Mika--(^0^)/// GOCHA UNITY FESTA was held, in the central Tokyo last month, which was a chrisitan music festival(concert?)
. I worked as a staff, and felt that Gocha Festa is growing and uniting creative chrisitians (maingly christian youth) across different dinominations, churches, chrisitan organizations.
Gocha started about 5 years ago to creat oppotunities for christian yough with misical taletns, because in churches they were not allowed to play 'thier music' such as rock, pops, hip hop and house, techno,..etc, Their main activity that time was to get together once a month and played music....and now they mainly have a monthly event 'radia gocha' which you also can listen online, and a few festivals in a year. well,....festival is not as big as in USA, Europe, but about 500-600 audiences,...but it used to be few...
their focus was more on themselves before, they wanted to express freely and wanted to be accepted but now it s more on glory of God and evangelism.
their quality of music has been chaning as well. their activieis was like student societies in universities, but now there are some professional musicians+aiming-to-be-professional musician.
the idea of professionalism has been shifting, which meanse that they are trying to be professional musician both in non-christinan world and in christian-world. it seemed that chrisitnas with musical talents didnt play in non-chrisitian world before.
head persons for Gocha are around 30-40, but there are also some youth around 16-25 in the project team for Gocha Unity Festa, which is an amazing thing here!
in addition,....GOCHA means 'mix of many different things'
website>> www.gocha.net
aaaaa, i want to tell you other things as well, but i do not like a long mail.....so see you next time....! (>▽<)//