1970: "The word "and" will be a often-used conjunction in the emerging church" The Emerging Church, by Bruce Larson and Ralph Osborne, 1970.
2005: Dwight Friesen has a blog named "And."
Wisdom: "It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other.
The man who fears God will avoid all extremes"
Ecclesiastes 7:18
Thought: The word "and" keeps us from polarities and unhealthy extremes. It teaches us to listen, and to see with synoptic vision.
I guess I am blogging this because many of the complaints I hear go something like . .
"Emerging church people choose ___ over and against _____!
Technorati Tags: Emergent, emerging church
and they believe ____ over and above _____
and they _______ rather than_____
and they believe ________ instead of _____
and they have replaced _____ for _____ !"
This is why the word "AND" can go a long way. Keep it in your pocket.