Dr. E.B. Brooks. He's the man who covers my back and reads my reports. He will not be in his office next month. After a long and incredible term with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, E.B. is retiring and preparing for the next chapter of ministry - one that I am hoping will also include me.
E.B. asked me in 1998 to assist the BGCT in ministering to the "postmodern" culture . . . as we called it back then. He has been shielding me and taking flak for almost 8 years. And he has given us a huge amount of freedom to go where God was leading us, which was outside USA for most of that time. Anything we have accomplished in the past 8 years could not have happened without E.B. standing behind us. Whenever we met in person, he would encourage me to "KEEP IT ABOUT JESUS" - which is a now a mantra permanently embedded in my brain as a whispering companion.
Milfred Minatrea (guy on the right with the hard-as-rock hair) will be taking over E.B.'s role as the primary person to complain to about me and the other trouble makers that are associated with me. I am sure he is really excited about that role. Milfred is a nice guy, a man of God, and author of a book I am reading right now. BUT I SURE WILL MISS E.B.! He has been more than a supervisor . . . he has been a father to me. . . and i cant tell you how much loss i feel in his retirement and how much i long that he will not hang up his big texan hat but will jump with us all into the next season.
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