- Andy Dragt of The Branch has created a beta Squidoo on Emerging Church
- Tony Jones of Emergent Village spoke at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary yesterday, and enjoyed a generous ecumenical handshaking of President Al Mohler's hand. Read Tony's account.
- YS Marko has just completed his "Rant by a Runt" on the American Church. Links to whole series are here.
- Planet Emergent blog changes its name to Emerging Church Blogs
- Scot McKnight posts Seven Habits of Successful Emerging Discussions
- EmergentKiwi Steve Taylor invites emerging churches (of the non-USA variety - which BTW are the majority) to send an image of their community. He will be posting them in Jan 06.
"This Christmas I am collecting a series of postcards from the edge. To qualify I am inviting you to email me;
a) 1 photo of your emerging community this year; plus a paragraph answer to these 4 questions;
b) how were you as an emerging community birthed?;
c) what do you as an emerging community value?;
d) what music track sums up your year;
e) what was your best mission moment in 05?
Oh, I nearly forgot. I will only be posting postcards from emerging churches outside the US. I'm tired of the UScentrism of the emerging church blog world. Postcards05 is not for Americans. It's a blog-stake in the ground; a visual reminder that God is active outside the bounds of America." More at EmergentKiwi
Anything else deserve a mention?