I had an idea for an article yesterday but it was too late to submit it to Charlie at Next-Wave. He says he will publish it on the Jan issue. Here's the thought : The Ajax love of God.
Londoner Rev. Mark Fletcher started me thinking about this a few days ago on my post about Church 2.0. He saw in an Ajax based Web 2.0 a connection between pre-emptive browsing in Web 2.0 and the intuitive, pre-emptive response of the church to society. And I have taken it further . . . to the Ajax-like agape love of God . . . a love that already knows about us, has already calculated the hairs on our head, and is poised to respond without hesitation to our cry, based on the completed work of Christ, the price fully paid for us before we were even born. I know that sounds a bit like predestination, and my pre-elected Reformed friends will be yahooing me on this one, but it is the Ajax kind of love that loved us before we first loved him and stands ready to give itself away . . . but it waits for us to call out first. Its a new thought - do you want to add to it?
The Spirituality of Torrent
The Spirituality of Blogging