UPDATE: I have ended up with 40 incredible quotes from this 1970 book on emerging church. 40 seems to be the going number these days for journeys so I invite you to 40 days of Posterity for the Emerging Church at Our Daily Blog. Here is today's meme:
"The emerging Church will not choose up sides in such a fashion. Rather, it will affirm what is valuable in each emphasis, bringing together the most helpful of the old and the best of the new, blending the dynamic of a personal Gospel with the compassion of social concern."
Osborne, Larson, The Emerging Church (1970), p10
ORIGINAL: I have simplified Our Daily Blog for 2006. Instead of a chunk of reading, there will just be a single phrase or thought. Just perfect for an RSS Reader or your phone. We have so much information coming to us, I don't want to clog up anyone's life with too much information.
I am using the classic book "The Emerging Church" (1970) by Bruce Larson and Ralph Osborne to kick off this years Our Daily Blog. Later on I will lead you out of the 1970's and into some current literature. Each day a new thought or sentence will be offered and you will be welcome to give your thoughts. It might be a great way for some of you to give some thought to what God is doing among the emerging church
One thought or meme or sentence every day for one year. Sent to your RRS Reader or phone. Start today.
And please send me what you think is a great phrase or meme that captures what God is doing.
Technorati Tags: 40 days, church, Emergent, emerging church, our daily blog, religion