Some chatter on the internet and suggestions from emails:
- PBS: U2's Bono got candid about his spiritual life at a recent prayer breakfast. [HT: Brad Culver]
- The Porpoise Diving Life is now online [thanks Brian]
- Alan Hirsch's recent talk in California was summarized on Sam Metcalf's blog.
- End of a Spear response from a Youderian family member.
- BeneDiction asks: "Why do bloggers blog? According to Hewitt, “Two reasons: to persuade; and, to leave a record of having been there.” Link
- WeeBeautifulPict, of tartantheology fame, shifts his blog location and offers free downloads of DJ Haggis's tartan beats on his wee pict player.
- Blogs4God captures the Christian bloggers response on the Mohammed Cartoon Madness.
Technorati Tags: emerging church