Here is my schedule, for those who want to connect with me along the way. Photos will be sent from my phone to
May 2. Spirited Exchanges London. A CMS hosted lunch with Kiwi Alan Jamieson ("A Churchless Faith") and a discussion on churchless believers 5 years on.
May 3. WeMedia Fringe, London
May 4-6 Congress for Church Innovation, Switzerland. It will be good to be with the DAWN team again and to hang with Alan Hirsch (Shaping of Things to Come) who I haven't seen for over a year. I will giving a seminar on how the Scriptures inform our understanding of church planting networks in a world marked by globalization, complexity and new media. But Alan will be the highlight and the focus of much discussion.
May 8 - Geneva - WCC HQ with Jacques Matthey.
May 9-10 - Geneva. Divergent, an emergent event with Jason Clark, Brian McLaren and others.
May 12 - 14 - London. A training, encouragement party for emerging church leaders from USA, UK, and Germany. Shannon Hopkins has rented two large houses for this week long event which includes a Pizza Party on May 12th with me behind the apron.