"I see many valuable contributions to the SBC coming from the Emergent Leaders Movement.
I believe it is a positive thing to see a broader number of participants in our convention’s direction.
I personally applaud this movement."
Frank Page, interview with bloggers
Technorati Tags: baptist, Emergent, emerging church, emerging movement, sbc
The SBC Annual Meeting finished yesterday - I haven't been to one of these since 1999 in Atlanta. Imagine seeing thousands of people with diet cokes in their hands and smiles on their faces, and all the men wearing a strict polo/khaki uniform. You gotta love the Southern Baptists!
In yesterday's meeting, Frank Page was elected President of Southern Baptist Convention. Frank says he appreciates the emerging movement efforts.
In a recent article, "Page said there is a need "to pull together various factions" within the SBC, and he mentioned young pastors, "emergent" pastors, Calvinists, extreme legalists, strong denominationalists, and even the few remaining moderates." ABP NEWS
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