Emergent Poetry: The ladies of Emergent Village have created Efflouresce, a really beautiful poetic/image piece that you can download for free. [PDF]. Thanks Holly. HT: EmergingGod
Postcolonial Read: Andy Crouch interviews Rt. Rev. Dr. David Zac Niringiye in Experiencing Life in the Margins.
Catholic Criticism:Domenico Bettinelli bemoans the ". . . many lapsed Catholics flocking to these “emerging churches,” the fruit of both The Scandal and two generations’ worth of poor catechesis." and "losing more and more Catholics to the latest fads, trends, and “ear-tickling.”
Internet Ministry: Aussies should check out Darren Rowse's seminar on Thursday 27th in Melbourne called Internet: Mission and Ministry. Darren will be compiling a list of web resources.
Technorati Tags: catholic, emergent, emerging church, poetry