30 of us met for 24 hours at High Leigh conference centre near London. We were discussing emerging church USA and UK, based on Ryan's book. The scene was overwhelmingly Maccentric.
Reminds me of that emerging bloggers cartoon with the odd man out. PC users, a scarce and persecuted minority here, brought out their laptops with fear and intrepidation but the atmosphere was ecumenical enough to allow for users of all systems to take notes together.
Ryan Bolger and Karen Ward did a great job, considering they had events in different cities each day without a break. Jonny Baker, who was organising this event, took a photo of them which tackles the question of emerging church being a CULT. I have always been suspicious of ORANGE. BTW - my blog gets No1 Google rating for "goat sacrificing cult". I must put that on my resume.
Karen also helped with the worship and led a communion service with some great visuals.
Steve Collins gave an excellent presentation on network theory which is available at SmallRitual. Good thinking on the Monkeysphere and Lattice which caused me to add . . . "Lattice not forsake the assembling of ourselves together." I have blogged before about understanding scale free networks.
Then we mapped out out we are all linked to each other and discussed the joys and perils of networking. Shannon Hopkins led a discussion on networking and partnerships. Which is a worthwhile pursuit.
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