2 Blog Series started this week that are worth following:
1. Scot McKnight examines the emerging church movement and its relationship with the historic Christian creeds.
Emerging and Orthodoxy 1
Emerging and Orthodoxy 2
Emerging and Orthodoxy 3
Emerging and Orthodoxy 4
BTW - Scot's excellent article "Emerging Movement: Future or Fad?"(PDF) is no longer downloadable on its host site. At least, I wasn't smart enough to find it. Terrible shame. Could someone send it to me OR repost it with a link for us all?
UPDATE: It is now reposted here.
2. Steve Camp: We're Still Paying John Tetzel: . . . should we be charging for ministry?
For the record, I side with Steve on this one. The gospel is freely given and i have a problem with charging. In fact, I have been preaching and speaking in hundreds of churches and conferences for over 2 decades and have NEVER charged a fee. I still don't. Some conferences think i am weird. They often give me honorariums but i never give a figure to them. I am supported as a missionary to preach God's message and that support should cover me. I see it as MY responsibility to get the resources to help me minister.
(Image by Tallskinnykiwi. Those using it without permission will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Details here)
I do, however, ask the conference organizer to give me a place to lay my head and help as much as possible with travel costs. But if i get stickly on that issue, I end up only speaking at wealthier, more established institutional events and dont make it out to the emerging fringe of ministry where no one has money and everyone pays for themselves to get to the meeting - including the speakers.
(Animated GIF by Tallskinnykiwi available at the new LOW cost of $39.99 right here!)
I am not condemning those who charge for speaking - because many of my best friends and colleagues do this - but I was greatly impressed as a young Christian with Hudson Taylor and Keith Green and others who felt that charging money was unethical for something freely given.
Thats one reason why i like blogging over publishing (see my post: I am a Creative Commonist) and why I have had many discussions with book publishers over allowing my future work to be given freely to those who want it.
But its more complex than i have just stated and Steve Camp has been a prophetic voice in the CCM in this area. Lets see what he comes up with.
Technorati Tags: christianity, emergent, emerging church, religion
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