An article from the Restored Church of God warns about blogging in “Blogs and God's Youth”. The dangers of blogging, according to the article, are openness and privacy, vanity, and idle words. Potential bloggers are advised to avoid the appearance of evil.
“Blogging has become a socially accepted practice—just as are dating seriously too young, underage drinking and general misbehaving. But just because someone else ”jumps off the cliff“ does not mean you should do the same.”
“. . . Is this article saying that every blog in the world is wrong? No, of course not! Again, there are some professionals and specialists who use blogs to serve a proper purpose. All that said, you can—and SHOULD—maintain friends the ”old-fashioned“ way, through actual personal contact, as well as letter writing, emailing or instant messaging” Kevin D. Denee
HT: BoingBoing
Response: LaityOnline think Kevin is “abusing the Bible”
The Register took notice
Related: Pew Report called Bloggers: A Portrait of the Internet's New Storytellers
And see my post on The Spirituality of Blogging [corrected link - thanks Horton]
Technorati Tags: blog, christianity
Technorati Tags: blog, christianity