I had a cup of tea yesterday with Hubert Allen, the grandson of Roland Allen ["the prophet'"]. A very warm and humble man who is delighted that a new generation is reading his Granfer's book almost a century later. Roland Allen predicted his writings would be ignored for many years and he was right. Hubert signed my copy of his book "Roland Allen: Pioneer, Priest, and Prophet and showed me some new editions of his 'Granfer's' books, including the classic Missionary Methods: St Pauls or Ours and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church.There are some other writings and snippets and thoughts that have never been published. Hubert said I can come over next time and view some of those documents. COOOOOL!!!!
Hubert's lecture on his Granddad given in 2003 worth a read. Heres the PDF:
The Continuing Relevance of Roland Allen
by Hubert Allen, [PDF 225kb]
Related: My thoughts on Roland Allen and Mega-churches in cyberspace
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