UPDATE: Bob Carlson wants us all to submit our Top 5 blog posts to him. [Remember last year??] A $5 donation for submitting 5 posts will go to a New Orleans charity - check out Give5Now. Here are my Top 5 for 2006. They may not be the highest rating but i enjoyed writing and reading them.
1. Losing my Religion in London Part 1 [Part Two, Three, and Four]
2. The Drama of Domain Mapping My Blog
3. Sometimes I Dress Like a Pagan
4. The Emerging Church is NOT White Middle-Class Males
5. Carrying Your Dad's Dumbbell
I also liked the post for my wife - brain(spirit)storm [top secret] but it was too techie for many readers {clue: you have to SELECT the text to read it . . like invisible ink - i don't think many people got that one}
ORIGINAL: Bill Dahl of Purpoise Diving Life has published his list of "2006 best" and this has inspired me to ask a question that has been on my mind for a w hile:
What was the best single blog post in 2006 regarding the emerging church?
Not the best blog SITE - that is soooo early millenium. But the best blog POST - lets find it . . . it should be recognized because the new blogosphere is more about individual posts and how they perform [their google-ranking, long tail, reach, artistic quality, etc] than it is about how many permanent links or daily visitors or how cool your blog looks.
Another question - what was the BEST post you wrote in 2006? Your Favorite? Your highest Google Ranked? Your most commented on? I think my favorite blog post, out of all i wrote in 2006 is called "The Drama of Domain Mapping My Blog".
Technorati Tags: emerging church, top 5 blogs