My biggest regret in having the family in Scotland this year instead of USA is the family custom of going Thornton's Treeland in Vancouver WA to pick up our monstrous Christmas tree. When we were living in Portland, our kids used to get hayrides and drink hot chocolate in the barn next to the nativity scene while Dad, the tall, good looking and extremely strong woodcutter, the Connoisseur of Conifers, picked the prize winning tree - which was always just a little taller than our ceiling.
They still do it all at Thorntons but we are in Scotland this Christmas and, since Christmas is a new arrival among holidays and still quite basic compared to the extravagance of the American version, we will simply pop down to the florist, buy a tree and bring it back home.
Message for Glen Thornton: Yo Glen - give my tree to someone else this Christmas.
Related: Christmas Trees and Paganism
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