My good friend Alan Hirsch of FORGE has a new book "The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church" and it has just been released. But you knew that already. I am running a little late on this blog post but at the same time, Alan and our DAWN team have a special offer for you if you want to do a custom online course beginning next month - with us and our team. You will be part of a three month European "cohort" and you will get a discount on the cost. Apparently they worked this out earlier this month in Copenhagen - I was supposed to be there but got stuck in Scotland.
But anyway . . . the book. An excellent book and most worthy of your attention. You open it up and the first words you read are these . . .
"The Forgotten Ways is a compelling challenge to awaken the church's innate entrepreneurial instinct and propel it into the fringes of our emerging culture. I recommend it highly, especially to those endowed with the boldness to align the church's operating system with the missional heart of God"
Andrew Jones,
Well said! I couldn't have put it any more eloquently myself!
Alan's book is a full package training course packed into a book. I was with Alan last year in Switzerland as he taught through this material - much to the delight of German speaking ministry leaders - and I can tell you that this will be a big seller among denominational and mission executives, strategists and those gifted with apostolic potential but don't know what to do with it. And honestly, not much has been written for apostles in recent years. And Alan's teaching on communitas vs. community is really worth thinking through.
In their previous book The Shaping of Things to Come, Alan and Michael Frost laid down some missiological and theological background for emerging missional church movements. Alan picks up on this and gets more practical and strategic in this new book The Forgotten Ways. Michael's new book "Exiles" is also worth buying, and it takes a more personal, lifestyle approach to missional living and community. Both books rock and it would be fair to say that both Alan and Frosty should be on everyone's Top Ten reading list for emerging-missional books.
But if you haven't got Shaping of Things to Come, I suggest buying it first. Its a good primer on missiological issues that back up emerging church thinking.
Read a sample [PDF]
Read some reviews on Subversive Influence, Reformissionary, Next Reformation, PoopEmerges, JesusCreed, and Easum/Bandy who give it book of the month and call it a "must read"
And if you want to get in on our Euro-team cohort with DAWN Europe and Alan, then send me an email and i can get you sorted.
Technorati Tags: alan hirsch, emerging church, forgotton ways, missiology, mission, missional