Cant please everyone. Even Emerging Church folk. I am sure there are many people that hate my blog and protest it but only a few people do so multiple times. Someone from an emerging church in UK stopped reading my blog a while back because, or so she told me, I was not willing to take a strong stance against capital punishment. Which is true - I visit a lot of countries and try to respect each nation's decision on that issue as much as possible. Its a divided issue with about 52% of the world being in favor of the death penalty [Wikipedia].
If you can think of a good reason for not reading my blog, go ahead and leave a link to an anti-Andrew Jones, TallSkinnyKiwi-No! kind of post and I will read it when i am thinking too highly of myself. We all need some criticism sometimes, even if we don't understand it.
[this post was edited from the original and the name of the blog withdrawn]