I am sitting in Tom and Christine Sine's living room in a meeting with people discussing monastic orders and their rules. Next to me is Eliacin from Puerto Rico who lives with his wife and child at the Mustard Seed House and whose blog Kingdom Praxis is quite well known. Others are here also and reporting on communities such as Lindisfarne, Simply Way, 3rd Order of Franciscans, Innerchange, Iona, etc. I was asked about the Order of the Mustard Seed with 24-7 Prayer and so i told them of my night of terror when i took the vow with them. I also mentioned Church Mission Society which is becoming a mission order. And of course what is emerging in our home town. It might just be a coincidence but this is also the topic of the conference this week with Allelon. Looking forward to it.
Related: Monasticism in the 21st Century
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