The New Conspirators. I have been talking about this conference for a long time. Now its here and if you live in Seattle, you should be there. Really. The list of contributors is really impressive.
If you cant make the conference, at least buy the book. Its called The New Conspirators: Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time. Tom sent me the manuscript last year and I was really impressed with it. Tom and Christine Sine are possibly the most connected people I know to the wider emerging church scene AND the historic Jesus movement of the 70's in which they also had a part. It was the Sines that connected me with key leaders around the world including New Zealanders like Mark Pierson (who is speaking at the conference this weekend) and Emergent Kiwi Steve Taylor. They are always ahead of the game.
I stayed with the Sines a few months ago in Seattle and was really impressed with the monastic style community thats emerging there. I could waffle on and on but will shut up at this point and just say . . . buy the book and somehow find your way to hear them soon.
Technorati Tags: emergent, emerging church, new conspirators
BLURB: God is doing something fresh through a new generation of "conspirators". This new work can be seen in at least four different streams:
1. the emerging,
2. the missional,
3. the mosaic (multicultural church plants)
4. the monastic.
In this book Tom Sine present some of the innovative new models that are being created by those ministering within these diverse streams.
- Andrew Perriman has a good post about the book.
- Mustard Seed Associates have a spanking new website.