The opening ceremony for The Sorting Room went really well. Councillor James Stockan cut the ribbon and Rev. Fiona Lille gave a blessing and prayed for God's favour. We had hundreds of helium balloons and hot chai on the Rayburn solid fuel stove that we just installed yesterday (pheeeeew!)
Thanks everyone for coming and making it a success. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make it happen. Some of us have put in very long hours painting and sealing up the roof and nailing floor boards. This room, formerly the Sorting Room of the Post Office, has been derelict for a decade and is no longer a horrible moist damp storage room.
The Sorting Room is our social enterprise. This opening marks the launch of a dozen micro-businesses, some of them from the small islands around Orkney. We are artists and artisans who want our creativity to inspire and we want our business to help transform society around us. The Sorting Room offers Orkney's first free WiFi zone, a small performance space, a reading area with a small arts library, printing equipment, free coffee and tea, and classes in things ranging from pottery to blogging. And you can also buy products directly from the artists who make them.
Here's a 2 minute video of the opening ceremony.
Technorati Tags: cic, community interest company, cooperative, puppy, social enterprise