In the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy, I was just thinking up some ideas for my session at GodblogCon in a few weeks when I teach on the missional church in the internet age. You might be a faith blogger, I was thinking . .
IF . . .
- if you sit in the back row of the church because thats where the wifi signal is the strongest
- if your sermons allow both comments and trackbacks
- if you tithe through a widget
- if you think committing the original sin is getting tempted by the latest Apple
- if you pray that God will allow you to upload your photo to the Lamb's Book of Life
- if your prayers are less than 140 characters because thats all Twitter allows
- if you ever wonder why the domain of Satan doesn't have its own URL
- if you think Jesus' command to Peter to "Feed my sheep" was to allow RSS syndication
- if you think streams in the desert is a blog from Las Vegas
. . . then you just might be a faith-blogger!
Now thats funny! I don't care who you are! But now its your turn to throw me a bone. If you add your own faith blogger joke in the comments, I might even use it in Las Vegas at GodBlogCon, which is part of the larger BlogWorldExpo.
Related on TSK: Interview for GodblogCon
GodBlogCon 2008 - I got invited to speak
BlogWorldExpo - I am going