- The Rise and Fall of Media getting discussed in the blogosphere today.
- A friend is looking for the full version of Rich Mullins - Homeless Man video for me. Short versions on youtube. Worth Watching.
- DELIGHTED to see my wife and kids give some polish to our family's Jonesberries.com travel blog.
- Watching my last twitter get retweeted. I thought it was funny too. Here it is:
"Tz mrcy all, imnz & free, 4 OMG it fnd out me. (If Charles Wesley could Twitter, No. 1)"
- Still deciding if my wife and I should sign the Manhattan Declaration. We agree with it in principle but are not sure what message it gives by the act of signing it.
- We played Keith Green's video Asleep in the Light (1982) after a conversation about the tragically unconscious state of the church, especially when it comes to passing on the good news. Everyone should watch the Keith Green story on youtube. Really.
- Cant believe my friend Shane Claiborne appeared on Esquire because he is one the worst dressed guys I know - he insists on making his own clothes and it shows - but then what do I know about fashion? And he is speaking about more than fashion so there . . . HT: Mark P
- Just heard from a faith-based Foundation that they would match donations from other Foundations towards our mission projects around Europe next year. Great news!!!! Now to find them.
- Big thing this week for us is hosting Rock on Christmas festival. We finished painting the warehouse yesterday. We got the warehouse for nothing but it needed a lot of work. Photos at Jonesberries.
- Reading through Genesis and Hebrews, chasing down the idea of church and God's temple of living stones as it relates to Jacob's standing stone at Bethel, and the 12 standing stones that Moses erected. I think our ecclesiology would be a lot different if we started reading Hebrews and then went over to Acts to see it played out, rather than starting with Acts and being dumbfounded by Hebrews.
- I am cranking up my Arkaos VJ 3.5 software for this weekend's festival. 90 minutes of video. Some of it we are filming around this city and mixing it up for transitions and eye candy, as well as introductions to the bands. Unfortunately, I am having a problem when it goes to full screen. Must be time to upgrade.