I am interrupting my current blog break to make an announcement . . .
Today marks 25 years for me in global ministry. Thats a SILVER ANNIVERSARY!!!
On May 24th, 1985, I was flying overseas on my first short term mission. I was 21 years old and had completed a few years of Bible College. Missions was what I wanted to do. I went to Asia first, then Europe where I planted my first house church in Austria, and then by the end of 1985 I was sailing on a mission ship called the MV Logos around Central and South America.
I never returned. I found my niche. I landed in my groove. My path was laid out in front of me and I didn't want to do anything else.
25 years later, and I am still traveling, still pushing ahead on God's agenda for all the families of the earth to be blessed.
In fact, I write this on the road, in France, as we drive our truck from Morocco to Turkey, from one end of Europe to the other.
And I am still lovin' it. Even after 25 years. Every morning I wake up early to take on the challenges of the day. I don't like weekends and I cant stand holidays. I struggle to take a day off [I was VERY unsuccessful yesterday and rewired the truck's solar system] and I couldn't imagine doing anything else.
What's the secret to sticking with one of the world's most poorly paid and most despised professions?
[Why? Are you thinking of becoming a missionary also???]
Well. I would say that for me, its being sure that this is God's path for me and finding joy and energy in that knowledge. I love a challenge and I get bored easily. I try to challenge myself continually to prevent boredom. For example, I never preach the same message, ever, but always create unique situations for God to speak and act in each unique setting.
I always said that if my salary stopped then I would keep doing this job. Well, that has happened numerous times, including last February when my salary from Church Mission Society stopped and I was made redundant. We decided to keep pursuing our mission of locating and supporting and training missional entrepreneurs in the global emerging culture, whether the money was flowing or not.
Right now its not but we are learning new ways to save money and live leaner.
And we are lovin' it.
Thanks God for a wonderful 25 years of following our passion and seeing you provide for us so that we can fulfil the mission you have entrusted to us.
Looking forward to the next 25 years.
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