We are in Poughkeepsie, New York this morning, staying with the La Borde family. They are part of an exciting new movement that brings churches together to meet the needs of the poor in their local districts around USA. Its called Love in the Name of Christ, or Love INC. And its on Facebook.
BBC ran a story this month on poverty and chose to focus their attention on Poughkeepsie, and the work of Love INC
Mauricio and Shauna La Border, who sailed with us on the MV Logos in the 80's, were part of bringing the Love INC movement into Poughkeepsie. They are an incredible example of a missional family who impact their world locally and once a year take a mission trip instead of a holiday. Every year they find the neediest place in the world and bring their children, and other Christians from local churches, to make a difference. They have been to Haiti, India, Niger, Lebanon, Cuba, Moldova and many other needy countries. Sometimes they build houses, or host soccer camps for kids, or whatever is needed. Next year they are considering doing something for the Romany families kicked out of France and struggling to find their place back in Bulgaria or Romania.
Actually, we might join them in Bulgaria.
The LaBordes are not wealthy. They drive an old car. But they live frugally during the year so that they can travel on mission. They are a missional family. I hope we see more of this as we travel across USA.