I am really excited about speaking at Cornerstone Festival this year in Illinois, USA. I haven't been to Cornerstone since 1999. They asked me to give 3 seminars. I just sent them these details. Let me know if you will be there so we can meet each other and you can buy me a coffee d:-] and also if you can think of better titles and descriptions than these.
1 I Didn't Kill the Emerging Church!
One man's journey through thousands of emerging churches and millions of candles to see what remains after the most controversial church movement of the 21st century finally shaves off its gottee and gets a real job.
Description: This seminar will look at the rise of the emerging church and fresh expressions in North America and other countries over the past 20 years, the controversies, significant conferences, the maturing and transitioning into the mainstream, and its future as part of what God is doing today.
2 Bloggers in Pajamas and the Next Decade of Christian Blogging
Let's celebrate [and ridicule] the first ten years of Christian blogging and explore the next decade of streaming to the screen.
Description: We will look at milestones in the first decade of Christian blogging, what was achieved, how it changed the church, and which bloggers made a difference. We will also explore the future of life-streaming and blogging through social media, as well as online publishing to mobile devices.
3 Global Nomads and Couch Surfing Apostles.
Andrew Jones, serial nomad and existential migrant, will make sure you have everything you need in your backpack to save the world on a budget.
Description: A new generation of backpacking global nomads are beginning to change the world. We will look at existential migration as an alternative to short term mission and offer practical advice on how to survive, how to make an impact, and what needs to be in your backpack.
PLEASE let me know if you can come and hear me.