Update: Just got back. 70,000 tickets sold. Going very well. What a shame that the evangelical leaders were not allowed on the stage. Hopefully they will all learn to get along.
Update: More info about the Day of Prayer taking place today . . YES TODAY . . in Cairo.
I talked with one of the leaders who was at the original planning meeting. I told him that people around the world would like to join their prayers with Egypt today and could he please tell us what we could pray for.
He said it is a day of PEACE so firstly pray peace for this country.
He also said we could prayer for PROTECTION over the day and over the spiritual climate of Egypt.
It's an important time for Egypt and there is much at stake.
Did you know that the prayer meeting will take place at a cave church located at Garbage City?
Its an amazing story St Simon's church started from nothing in 1969 and is now the largest Christian church in the Middle East with 30,000 attending its services in 7 different cave cathedrals.
Original Post: Egypt will be a special focus during the Day of Prayer which happens November 11, 2011. Egypt.com news suggests millions of Christians will be praying around the world. Great!
Quite coincidentally, I am in Egypt for this occasion and already have my ticket to attend the event at St Simons. It is estimated that over 100,000 people will be praying at the church. If this happens, locals tell me it will be the largest gathering of Christians in this country for over a thousand years.
BTW: 11.11.11 is also a global day of worship, a day of prayer for financial blessings [come on, who thought of that????] ,a global day of prayer for world healing, and a global day of prayer for Egypt. Even Muslims will be praying for Egypt on November 11.
Trivia: There is one National Day of Prayer website which does not tell you which nation it is talking about. The eagle is a clue.
Read more about our visit to St Simons.