We had to get up at 3am this morning to catch our CHEAP Air Asia flight from Indonesia to Malaysia [more leg room please]. My teenage girls arrived home at 2:50am from jamming and dancing with local musicians in Bali.
Last night my daughter Elizabeth, who shaved her head last week to express a "new beginning", was invited to play with two other musicians at the posh Ifiori restaurant. We were very proud.
But she didnt sleep at all. Neither did Abi, or Priscilla from Germany who is traveling with us.
This morning we arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia and will be here for a few days. I was last here ten years ago for the Great Commission Roundtable in Port Arthur, a gathering of mission geeks connected with WEA, Lausanne, and the AD2000 movement which retried around that time.
I remember playing a volleyball game organized by John Robb (and he roped me into helping him) on the beach and my toe nails were painted black. I also remember discussing the possibility of an Edinburgh 1910 celebration - which turned out to be the Lausanne Congress in 2010, as well as a smaller and much geekier Edinburgh event in Edinburgh. Why not?
KL is an upbeat, high-tech city with cool monorail and plenty of WIFI. Lots of good food also.