Have I really not blogged for a month . . . . . OOOPPPSSSS!!!
Sorry everyone. I have been so busy building blogs for others that this blog has gone by the wayside. Actually, I intend to STOP this particular blog in a week's time, June 3, in fact.
Tallskinnykiwi has been existing for ten years on the Typepad platform which happened when i switched from Blogger in 2003. Ten years is a long time and this blog is a large well containing thousands of posts and thousands of comments that I hope will act as a historical momento for future generations as well as a memory jogger for myself.
But I dont want a well. I want a spring. So I will be pulling the plug on this platform on June and will switch over to a dashboard containing links to my current blog projects.
And speaking of TEN, wordpress celebrates ten years of existence today. Its an amazing platform and all my other blog projects, except this one, are propped up by the Wordpress platform.
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